
See also: Canonical Approaches to the Bible (EABS)

Leuven 2016: The Openings of Biblical Books as a Hermeneutical Key
Vienna 2014: The Multivalence of Canon
Leipzig 2013: Biblical Canon(s) and Cultural Memory
Amsterdam 2012: Relationship(s) of the two Parts of the Bible
Thessaloniki 2011: Speaking of Canon in the Light of the Different Shapes of Canon (Publication: Hieke, T. (ed.), Formen des Kanons)
Lincoln 2009: The Canon as Didactic Concept?
Vienna 2007: Abschlussphänomene des Kanons
Piliscaba/Budapest 2006: Die Tora – fünf Bücher und ein Konzept?
Dresden 2005: Die kanonische Funktion der Psalmen
Groningen 2004: Method of the Canonical Approach