
Bisherige Treffen:

Sommer 2001: Colloquium Biblicum in Leuven (Workshop über Intertextualität)

Herbst 2002: Treffen in Osnabrück

2003: SBL Leuven (Werkstattberichte zu Intertextualität und Canonical Approach)

ab 2004 als Research Group der European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS): „Canonical Approaches to the Bible“ mit folgenden Themen:

Sommer 2004: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Groningen*: “Method of the Canonical Approach”

Sommer 2005: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Dresden: “Die kanonische Funktion der Psalmen”

Sommer 2006: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Budapest: “Die Tora – fünf Bücher und ein Konzept?”

Sommer 2007: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Wien*: “Abschlussphänomene des Kanons”

Sommer 2009: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Lincoln: “The Canon as a Didactic Concept?”

Sommer 2011: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Thessaloniki: “Speaking of Canon in the Light of the Different Shapes of the Canon”

Sommer 2012: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Amsterdam*: “Relationsship(s) of the two Parts of the Bible”

Sommer 2013: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Leipzig: “Biblical Canon(s) and Cultural Memory”

Sommer 2014: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Wien*: “The Multivalence of Canon”

Sommer 2015: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Cordoba

From 2016 to 2018 we are going to focus on the special function of the beginnings and endings of biblical books. The title of this ongoing project will be: “In the beginning… .”
see also the EABS website of the Research Unit

Sommer 2016: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Leuven:
The Openings of the Biblical Books as a Hermeneutical Key

Sommer 2017: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Berlin*:
The Endings of Biblical Books as a Hermeneutical Key

Sommer 2018: European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS):
The Openings and Endings of Biblical Books – Topics on the Way to a Canon Conscious Biblical Theology

*= together with SBL International Meeting.


Publikationen, die aus den Tagungsbeiträgen hervorgingen:

Egbert Ballhorn/Georg Steins (Hg.), Der Bibelkanon in der Bibelauslegung. Methodenreflexionen und Beispielexegesen, Stuttgart 2007.

Georg Steins/Johannes Taschner (Hg.), Kanonisierung – die Hebräische Bibel im Werden, Biblisch-theologische Studien 110, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2010.

Hieke, Thomas (Hg.), Formen des Kanons. Studien zu Ausprägungen des biblischen Kanons von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert (SBS 228), Stuttgart 2013. ISBN 978-3-460-03284-2. Abstract

Georg Steins/Philip Sumpter/Johannes Taschner (Ed.), Relationships between the Two Parts of the Christian Bible, Osnabrücker Studien zur Jüdischen und Christlichen Bibel (OSJCB), Göttingen (forthcoming).